The 2022 NMPWU State Assembly was held in Alamogordo, NM from Thursday, April 26th to Saturday the 28th. Originally, the convention was scheduled to be held in Ruidoso, NM. But due to the McBride Fire in Ruidoso, a last minute change of venue was made. A big shout out goes to Leo Cuevas for facilitating the accommodation of lodging and conference room to host the convention.
The State Assembly ran through it's normal convention agenda, but the 2022 election for E-board members was up for campaign. Congratulations goes out to the newly elected Officers of the NMPWU. Your newly elected officers go as follows:
President - Leo Cuevas
Secretary Treasure - Paul Waldo
VP West Region - Charles Trujillo
VP Central Region - Vincent Sanchez
VP Northeast Region - Steven Jaramillo
VP South Region - Roxanne Heckman
State Vice President - Vincent Sanchez
State Trustee's - Byron Benally / Carleen Fleming
*Alternate Trustee - Davonna
NBA JoAnn Gerhart was in attendance via Zoom
A huge thanks goes out to the outgoing e-board members, Patrick Martinez, Kenny Martinez and Kathy Martinez, we appreciate everything that you did for the members-at-large and the APWU.
*The 2023 New Mexico State Assembly is tentively scheduled for April 20th to 23rd, and is to be held in Farmington, NM.